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The Certification Equivalency Assessment (CEA) is designed to offer our members with less than 1000 hours of training and who do not meet any of the eligibility requirements the opportunity to be recognized by the Canada Life Assurance Company, which has decided to increase its requirements as of April 1, 2021.
The CEA is an initiative of the Réseau des massothérapeutes professionnels du Québec to recognize the experience acquired by massage therapists during their years of professional practice. The Réseau collaborated with content experts and the director of the Laboratoire de recherche en évaluation des apprentissages et des compétences at the Université de Montréal to develop a rigorous qualification solution adapted to the situation of massage therapists in Quebec. This solution is structured to evaluate the mastery of essential theoretical knowledge and the relevance of actions and professional judgment carried out in situations simulated by case studies.
The proposed evaluation is in line with existing recognition programs for all trades and professions in Quebec. It is also consistent with good practices in skills assessment. In addition, the CEA is based on elements of the Canadian massage therapy program published by the Federation of Massage Therapy Regulatory Authorities of Canada (FOMTRAC) that have been adapted to the Quebec reality.
If you pass the assessment, you retain your title as a massage therapy provider with Canada Life.
To be eligible for the Certification Equivalency Assessment, you must meet the following criteria:
*We remind you that you can consult the number of hours of training in your file in your member space in “My Account” under the “Profile” tab.
Here are the steps to follow to register for the Certification Equivalency Assessment:
The Réseau team will contact you after receiving your registration form and payment to begin the process.
To obtain the registration form, contact Marie-Pierre Chapuis at
* The registration form is only available in French. Please note that you can take your test in English.