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The Network of professional massage therapists of Quebec brings together more than 8,500 massage therapists
The Réseau des massothérapeutes professionnels du Québec was pleased to invite you to discuss with us as part of our regional tour taking place from June to September.
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This consultation tour was intended to foster discussions with members about approaches to favour in order to ensure better recognition of massage therapy in Quebec and better oversight of the profession. This exercise was part of reflection about the two priorities established by the board of directors in the context of its strategic plan:
The Réseau needed is members to make sure that future determining actions that it will implements developed based on the priorities and wishes of massage therapists. Please note that activities was held solely in French.
In order to favour accessibility for these consultation activities, the Réseau visited 6 cities around Quebec in june and september, 2022:
Each meeting lasted 2:30, from 9:30 a.m. to noon. Admission was free but reserved to regular association members. At meetings, Réseau representatives has submite to each of the groups important questions concerning the governance and recognition of massage therapy in order to properly document the issues and needs identified by members.
Since the goal of these meetings was to elicit discussions between members and representatives of the Réseau, each in-person activity included a minimum of 10 participants up to 25 members.
After completing the consultation tour, the Réseau has produce a report to inform massage therapists of the main issues and findings identified. Since no tour can allow all members to express themselves, the exercise have be completed via a survey. This has be addressed to all association members and will allow us to better document the opinion of all massage therapists with regard to the elements raised in meetings.