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Cancellations and late clients

Do I charge a client if they cancel their appointment?

Section 13 of the Consumer Protection Act states in this regard:

“13. Any stipulation requiring the consumer, upon the non-performance of his obligation, to pay a stipulated fixed amount or percentage of charges, penalties or damages, other than the interest accrued, is prohibited.”

This means that you cannot include a penalty amount in your contract for missing an appointment. However, you can negotiate a penalty with your client if you feel you have suffered losses. You can also ask your clients to contact you within 24 or 48 hours if they need to cancel their appointment.

What if a client arrives late for an appointment?

If a client arrives late for his or her appointment, you are not required to offer the full duration of the treatment, but your client must pay for his or her treatment in full. For example, your client arrives 10 minutes late for a one-hour treatment that costs $60. You can give him or her a 50-minute treatment and still require him or her to pay $60.

Annulation et retard d’un client - Réseau des massothérapeutes

What should I do when I, the therapist, have to cancel my own appointment with a client?

It is your duty as a therapist to keep your appointments. If you have to cancel an appointment for any reason, you can compensate by offering a few extra minutes of massage at your next appointment.