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A parent of a minor must attend the care when the child is under the age of 14. In this way, the parent and the child feel more confident.
Did you know that a 14-year-old can see a doctor or any other health professional without permission from his or her parents? He can then consult a member of the Réseau without the permission or presence of his parents.
All receipts must be made in the name of the person receiving the care.
Here is an excerpt from the Youth Protection Act:
“39. Every professional who, by the very nature of his profession, provides care or any other form of assistance to children and who, in the practice of his profession, has reasonable grounds to believe that the security or development of a child is or may be considered to be in danger within the meaning of section 38 or 38.1, must bring the situation to the attention of the director without delay. The same obligation is incumbent upon any employee of an institution, any teacher, any person working in a childcare establishment or any policeman who, in the performance of his duties, has reasonable grounds to believe that the security or development of a child is or may be considered to be in danger within the meaning of the said provisions.”