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The Network of professional massage therapists of Quebec brings together more than 8,500 massage therapists
The Institut National de Santé publique du Québec (INSPQ) has a mandate to create and publicize recommendation sheets for workplaces in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. On this page, you will find the most relevant publications pertaining to the practice of massage therapy. However, we encourage you to check out the home page of INSPQ’s website to find information about specific cases (e.g., pregnant or breastfeeding workers) or weekly news and updates.
Private Practice Therapeutic Care
Recommandations intérimaires concernant les soins thérapeutiques en cabinet privé (in French only)
Workplaces by alert level
Recommandations générales pourles milieux de travail, hors milieux de soins, par palier d’alerte (in French only)
Recommendations for pregnant workers and workers with special health conditions
Pregnant and Nursing workers
Immunosuppressed workers (in French only)
Cleaning and disinfection procedure
Procédures de nettoyage et de désinfection de l’environnement et des équipements de soins pour les cliniques médicales (in French only)
Wearing a face cover
Port d’un couvre-visage par la population générale (in French only)
Avis sur le port de la visière et du couvre-visage par les travailleurs (in French only)
Eye protection
Choix d’une protection oculaire (in French only)
Home-based care
Mesures pour les travailleurs de la santé lors de la prestation de soins à domicile (in French only)