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As a professional working in the health field, the Réseau believes it is important that its members promote prevention and hygiene measures at all times but especially during a pandemic. Government authorities have implemented many resources on prevention measures for the general public. We invite you to share them with your clients.
Here are posters produced by the Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux (MSSS) for infection prevention. You can print these posters to put them in your clinic or care room or share them on your platforms.
Respiratory hygiene – Protect the health of others
Disinfecting your hands – Poster
Washing hands – Simple and effective
Staying at home means saving lives – COVID-19 Poster
How to put on a mask
Here I wear my face covering
The Institut National de Santé publique du Québec (INSPQ) also provides a section on infection prevention and control for health professionals.