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Knee pain

Knee’s anatomy

The knee is one of the biggest joint of the human body and is subjected day after day, to repeated constraints during our daily movements and activities. This joint is highly exposed to trauma since it supports most of our body weight and isn’t really protected by muscles.

The knee joint is composed of powerful lateral, anterior and crossed ligaments that provide stability by retaining joints and preventing any sideways movements as well as higher than 180 degrees rotations. Fibro cartilages attached between the articular bone surface, called meniscus, are used as stabilizers, and, to a certain extent, shock absorbers for the knee.

Douleur au genou  - Réseau des massothérapeutes

Types of knee lesions

Muscular and tendinous lesions

Muscle and tendon knee lesions are often related, but not only, to practicing irregular activities or sports that require jumps. Inadequate or inappropriate muscle warm-up can also cause knee pain. Excess weight and physical inactivity are factors that can precipitate muscle damage development. Other joints injuries can also have a negative impact on the knee.

Ligament lesions

Ligaments lesions injuries are caused by traumas where ligaments or muscle fibers are stretched, torn or tear up. Caused by a torsion or abrupt knee elongation, this injury can occur during a false movement, an impact or a fall. A sprain is a first degree ligament injury.

Meniscal lesions

Meniscal lesions can be caused by falling or while working in a crouched or kneeling position.

Lesions related to bone or cartilage degeneration

Among those lesions, there is osteoarthritis and chondromalacia, which is a cartilage softening.

Therapeutic approach

The therapist is a muscle and joint specialist. His solid training allows him to efficiently act on several knee affections.

Following the interview, the therapist will use, in appropriate cases, a massage to warm up tissues, reduce contractures and increase blood flow; essential oils and rubefiants (products with a muscular effect) as well as kinesitherapy techniques to restore the knee’s full amplitude and mobility.

To complete the session, the therapist will also recommend rehabilitation exercises.


Home advice

  • In acute phase, apply ice for 15 to 20 minutes every hour for the first 48 hours.
  • To relax the muscles, apply a hot slated water compress for 20 minutes, 2 to 3 times a day.
  • Every morning and eveninig as well as before and after the activity that causes pain, rub your knee with a rubefiant (product with a muscular effect).
  • Avoid any activity that requires jumping.

Depending on your condition’s severity, it is advisable to :

  • Wear an elastic bandage or an orthopedic knee support during sports or walking activities as well as when standing still for a long period of time.
  • Avoid any sport activities, including walking as well as with a cane or crutches for a more or less long period of time.

The term therapist is used to signify a massage therapist, a kinesitherapist or an orthotherapist.

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