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The Network of professional massage therapists of Quebec brings together more than 8,500 massage therapists
The shoulder is a solid, flexible and quite mobile articulation, the most mobile of the human body. It consists of three bones, the scapula, the clavicle and the humerus, as well as a muscles and joints system that units the arm to the torso and allows mobility in the three dimensions. Since it is in great demand in daily movements, the shoulder joint is vulnerable to traumas.
A tendinitis is an acute or chronic tendon inflammation causing a more or less significant decrease in the joint mobility.
A bursitis is a chronic or acute joint inflammation of the serous bursa, in this case, of the shoulder. It results from a poorly treated tendinitis.
The therapist is a muscle and joint specialist. His solid training allows him to efficiently act on several shoulder affections.
Following the interview, the therapist will use, in appropriate cases, a massage to warm up tissues, reduce contractures and increase blood flow; essential oils and rubefiants (products with a muscular effect) as well as kinesitherapy techniques to restore the shoulder’s full amplitude and mobility.
To complete the session, the therapist will also recommend rehabilitation exercices.
The term therapist is used to signify a massage therapist, a kinesitherapist or an orthotherapist.
1.It is important to take note that your therapist cannot perform pathology diagnostics since only doctors have the competence to make a medical diagnosis. However, your therapist may act effectively to relieve your shoulder pain.