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Ashi-Thaï is a technique inspired by Thai massage and ashiatsu massage. In fact, this technique includes the use of the ashiatsu suspension bar to enable the therapist to use their feet and legs to massage the client. The therapist performs stretches and compressions on the body. The client, dressed in comfortable clothes, lies on a massage table.
Ashi-Thaï facilitates deep stretching of the various muscles involved in the postures. The compressions performed by the therapist allow them to work the muscles and fasciae deeply.
Ashi-Thaï is a massage offered over the clothing. The client is lying on a massage table while the therapist is suspended from bars hanging from the ceiling. The therapist uses their feet and legs to apply pressure on the body to massage the muscles. The therapist will also use their lower limbs to perform deep stretches.
As the therapist is suspended over the client during the massage, it is important to carefully control the massage depth. Therefore, deep compressions should not be performed without medical advice on a person with the following problems:
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