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Herbal Compress Massage

Herbal compress massage is named after cotton balls filled with crushed medicinal or aromatic herbs that are used during massage.

These compresses are steamed before being applied dry all over the body, emphasizing on areas of tension. The herbal compresses are used as a traditional accessory of Thai massage techniques  and combine hand movements to joint mobilizations.


Once heated with steam, the plants can diffuse their therapeutic benefits and their fragrances, adding true aromatherapy to the treatment.

Herbal compresses allow exfoliation of the skin to promote revitalization, in addition to contributing to better blood circulation. Their heat also relaxes muscles to favor release of tension and stress.

Herbal Compress Massage Réseau des massothérapeutes


The selected plants are first crushed and placed in the cotton linen, and then wrapped with rope to form the compress. During the first part of the massage, they will be steam-heated. The massage begins with Thai massage techniques, which includes thumb pressure, hand movements and mobilizations of some joints. The hot compresses are then pressed or tapped all over the body, paying particular attention to tensed areas.


This massage is not recommended in very hot weather and for people with cardiovascular problems, diabetes or a weakened immune system. Varicose veins, skin problems or obesity are also contraindicated for this type of massage.

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