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Isoposture and Isometry

Isoposture and isometry are techniques for stretching and strengthening muscles. Stretches may help to reduce mechanical (mobility limitations) and physiological dysfunctions. Isometry is targeting superficial and middle plane muscles, isoposture the deep muscles.


Combined with stretching movements, muscle contractions followed by relaxation periods help reduce the pain felt during some movements, and improve more mobility and range of motion at the joint level. As a result, muscles are strengthened and their flexibility is improved.


The therapist will ask his client to contract targeted muscles of a specific area of the body for a period of time, without creating any movement, and then ask him to stop the contraction and relax. Following a sports injury, an accident or a surgery, this muscular relaxation could improve their normal painless range of motion.

Isoposture and Isometry Réseau des massothérapeutes


Per se, there are no specific contraindications to isometry and isoposture techniques. The therapist will respect his client’s physical condition at all times. The general contraindications apply: fever, infection, wounds or skin problems and history of heart problems.

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