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Japanese foot massage is derived from Japanese medicine. It has its roots in traditional oriental medicine at the beginning of the 5th century. This technique has long been kept secret. Indeed, it was only transmitted from family to family. It was not until the 20th century that this technique was shared with the general public by Shibata Sensei. This massage stimulates the reflex zones of the foot with pressure points on the meridians.
Japanese foot massage can help release muscle and nervous tension, relieve heavy and tired legs, improve energy flow, restore vitality, promote sleep, and calm foot pain.
The therapist will massage the feet, focusing on areas of tension in the muscles and tendons. The massage will combine pressure, friction or kneading with stretching and mobilization. The massage will be specific to the feet but could include the leg to relax the surrounding muscles.
Judged to be harmless, this technique nevertheless has some contraindications. People with a disease or infection, diabetes, or a circulatory or hormonal disorder should refrain from receiving such care. Open wounds and skin conditions remain partial contraindications.
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