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Becoming more popular, Lomi Lomi is a massage of Hawaiian origin rich in culture and history. This technique was originally practiced on the Pacific island by master healers seeking to recreate harmony of the four elements and to facilitate the passage between the different phases of life for people benefiting from this care.
Using primarily the forearms to perform the massage, the therapist practicing the Lomi Lomi will be constantly moving, thus imitating the waves back and forth movements in order to create a body and mind moment of relaxation.
The therapist’s forearm pressure and vigorous movements promote blood and lymphatic circulation, and soothe away muscle tension throughout the body, therefore improving sleep and reducing headaches or migraines. The calmness provided by this enveloping massage can also regulate breathing and soothe people struggling with the symptoms of stress.
The Lomi Lomi technique alternates between different motions of stretching, kneading and acupressure with the hands, forearms, fingertips and elbows. The massage is performed with large amounts of warm or hot oil, and sometimes with Hawaiian music as a soothing background. The traditional Lomi Lomi care also includes a steam bath and a massage with Hawaiian salt.
Lomi Lomi massage is contraindicated for people with apparent varicose veins, high blood pressure problems, phlebitis or dermatological problems. Due to the important activation of body fluids, this technique will only be recommended for pregnant women towards the end of pregnancy. At this time, a Lomi Lomi massage may be beneficial to facilitate delivery.
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