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Myofascial Release

Myofascial release combines gentle stretching of fascias, the tissues that surround the large muscles of the body, to a massage therapy care. Since the myofascial web is getting stretched along with the body’s movements, thus allowing the muscles to slide over each other, inflammation of a section of connective tissue can cause tension, decrease blood flow, or even pain.

Such condition can occur as a result of training, as we age or during a prolonged period of inactivity. Poor posture, injury following an accident and certain illnesses can also limit the flexibility of the fascia, thus reducing the range of motion. To help you relax such tensions, the therapist can then add myofascial release to the care for preventive or curative purposes.


As it is improving the flexibility of muscles and promoting blood circulation in the tissues, this technique provides all the benefits of a good muscle stretch.

Myofascial Release Réseau des massothérapeutes

People with backaches, headaches, fibromyalgia or chronic pain will appreciate the fact that these two combined benefits relieve tension and pain, in addition to promoting healing of scars. Myofascial release can also reduce tension on the carpal tunnel or the sciatic nerve, therefore reducing the symptoms of syndromes associated with these issues.


The therapist will apply sustained but delicate pressure on different parts of the body, which will allow fascias to stretch and unfold. Different techniques may be used, for example slow movements along a muscle or pressures on opposite areas to assume a good stretch of its center section.


People at risk of developing phlebitis should not receive this type of care. The usual contraindications to a massage therapy care apply.

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