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The Network of professional massage therapists of Quebec brings together more than 8,500 massage therapists
The therapist will be working with a large amount of mobility, flexibility and breathing exercises, as well as exercises to balance the nervous system.
By learning spinal training techniques, the therapist will be in a position to know why and when to use this type of exercise, in addition to having a better background to develop and offer appropriate and safe exercises.
With a kinesiological and biomechanical vision of the body, spinal training:
Following a massage, kinesitherapy or orthotherapy care, the therapist will recommend appropriate and safe exercises to his clients. He can then provide them with tools, so that they can take part in the improvement of their health status.
The exercises recommended following a care are adapted to the physical condition of each individual. The therapist can offer his clients different exercises that will respect their physical body and meet their specific needs.
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