Welcome to the Réseau’s online client file service!

Offered by the Réseau des massothérapeutes professionnels du Québec, the online client file service is designed to facilitate your record keeping. The use of this service implies your acceptance of these terms of use. We invite you to read them carefully.

Terms of use for online client file

The use of the online client files service must be done in compliance with the code of ethics of the Réseau, in particular, but without excluding others, as regards Chapter 9.

Like any web service, online client files service may experience periods of interruption. As a precaution, you must have an alternative way to complete a client file.

Required information

Certain information must be indicated in the online client files completed by the Therapist. This information is indicated by the required fields of the form.

“ 9.1.1. The Member must open a file for any new Client, containing information here below, and maintain up to date:

  1. The names, gender, date of birth and address of the Client;
  2. Dates and duration of consultations, history and condition of the Client;
  3. The nature of the care applied;
  4. The Therapist's comments and observations regarding the Client's assessment and the evolution of the Client during the period of care.”

The Réseau strongly recommends that you do not delete a online client file, even after the end of a relationship with a client. It is suggested to keep the records and insurance receipts of all your clients for seven years.

Data security

The Réseau is committed to securely archiving and storing personal information collected by this service. Some basic information such as the age and gender of clients could be used by the Réseau for statistical purposes.

The Réseau is commited not to market the personal information collected. The therapist is commited to protect access to his online client files by modifying the password assigned to him by the Association and not sharing his access information with anyone.

“9.1.2. The Member must keep his files in an inaccessible place or room from the public and must be locked. Also, he must take reasonable means considering his employees and the surrounding staff to be able to preserve the confidentiality of the information concerning his Clients that he has in his possesion. Online files must be password protected or equivalent on any device (computer, tablet, cell).”


All contents (documents, videos, texts, illustrations and images) present in the pages of the website are protected by copyright, including the section of online client files. Any total or partial reproduction of online clients files is strictly prohibited.

Date of the last modification: November 6, 2019