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The Massage therapy recognition event is an accessible event for all members of the Réseau. The association highlights the professional experience of therapists who stand out because of their remarkable achievements, their positive impact in the profession or the longevity of their career.
Six awards are presented during the Massage therapy recognition event (held in French only). The Entrepreneurship, Emerging Entrepreneurship, Distinction and Involvement prizes are awarded following a nomination process, while the Inspiration and Coup de coeur prizes are awarded by the Réseau des massothérapeutes professionnels du Québec.
Each of the winners receive an exclusive trophy bearing the logo of the Réseau as well as their name and the category in which they won. The trophies handed down are original handmade work of art created with glass and stone. The winners are then presented on the association’s website and in the newsletter sent to members and various players in the massage therapy industry.
This prize is awarded to the therapist who within his company, has created more than 2 jobs since its creation. The award recognizes the audacity, leadership and the creativity spirit that allowed the company to stand out from the competition. It can also be attributed to the company who was able to attest to the quality of the working conditions offered to its employees.
SUBMIT YOUR APPLICATIONThis prize is awarded to the therapist who build is own company in massage therapy or acquired an existing business in the past 5 years. This prize recognizes the audacity, the leadership and the creativity of the therapist who are working to built dynamic and prosperous business generating employment in their field of activity.
SUBMIT YOUR APPLICATIONThis prize is awarded to a therapist who has been involved in the community, parapublic, associative setting or in a nonprofit organization as a massage therapist. It may also be awarded to a therapist actively committed to pursuing the development of its profession.
SUBMIT YOUR APPLICATIONThis prize is awarded to a therapist who stood out throughout his professional career, mastering his or her discipline and his influence in the field of alternative medicine. The prize can also be awarded to a therapist who has successfully completed several continuing education techniques designed to enhance the services offered to his or her clients.
SUBMIT YOUR APPLICATIONThis prize is awarded by the Réseau to the therapist collaborator of the blog of the association, having written article(s) which aroused great interest on the part of our web community over the past year.
This prize is awarded by the Réseau to a therapist who has submitted a nomination in one of the categories presented at the Recognition Event, namely: Entrepreneurship, Emerging Entrepreneurship, Distinction and Involvement. This award recognizes the candidate who has generated noteworthy interest, whether it be for his professionalism, leadership, creativity, involvement, commitment, career path or influence in the field of massage therapy.
In the past, the Réseau took advantage of this event to honour therapists who had accumulated 20 years of practice or more*. During the evening, the therapists received an honorary certificate attesting to their exceptional contribution to massage therapy.
* Since 2021, the presentation of honorary certificates has been carried out under a different formula. The members concerned will be contacted by email by the Réseau. If you have any questions, please contact us at
As part of the Massage Therapy Recognition Event, photos or videos are taken throughout the Event. When you register, we will ask for your consent so that we can use these images if necessary.
Please note that the use of photos or videos captured by the Réseau des massothérapeutes professionnels du Québec will not be detrimental to your honor and reputation. The photos or videos made and fixed could be communicated or made accessible, as part of the general mission of the Réseau, as well as for the purpose of informing the community, if necessary, through the use of publications on the web, on social media or on paper information documents.
If you want to participate, but you do not want photos or videos of you or one of your attendants to be used, you can contact us at to let us know.