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FAQ about the Telus eClaims Service

What happens to claims made by my clients if I do not qualify or do not sign up for eClaims service?

eClaims is a direct billing service that requires therapists to meet certain eligibility criteria. However, the implementation of this service does not affect the claims of insurance receipts issued by therapists who do not use this service. As a member of the Réseau, your receipts will still be accepted by insurance companies and nothing will change in this regard if you are not registered for this service.

Why are there eligibility requirements to participate in the eClaims service?

It should be noted that in Quebec, not all insurers participating in eClaims have agreed to integrate massage therapy into this direct billing service. In the absence of a professional body, the service is only available to members of associations approved by insurers. The Réseau is the first association to receive this approval. To meet the criteria, therapists must also have advanced training and several years of experience.

How do I know if I qualify for eClaims?

The following minimum eligibility criteria apply to any massage therapist practicing in Quebec:

  • Be a member of the Réseau;
  • To have a minimum of 1,000 hours of training recognized by the Réseau;
  • Complete 25 hours of continuing education per 3-year period.

If you believe you qualify for the eClaims service, you can apply for registration directly on the TELUS Health website. If you would like to know your status in relation with the eligibility criteria, you may contact Karine Marier at 1 800 461-1312 ext. 1420 or at the following e-mail address:

How do I know if I can offer the eClaims service to my client?

You can offer the service if your client is insured by one of the insurers listed in the eClaims participating insurers for members of the Réseau section on the TELUS Health eClaims Service page.

Is the claim procedure the same for all participating insurers?

All insurers participating in eClaims have special features. The same is equally true for massage therapy. For more information on insurer payments, please visit the eClaims Getting Started Guide (in French only).

How does one receive the amount corresponding to the part of the care paid by the insurer?

Once registered with eClaims service, it is recommended that you sign up for direct deposit by registering your banking information in the e-mail address and bank details section of the eClaims portal. This will allow you to receive your payments quickly via direct deposit.

For payments, each of the participating insurers operates differently. Full details of reimbursements from insurers can be found in the eClaims Quick Start Guide (in French only) under the Reference Documents section.

Can I promote e-Claims?

Yes, you can inform your clients that you can now submit their claims directly to their insurer. Moreover, we offer you ready-to-use tools for your website, Facebook page, newsletter or other media. Download the TELUS Health Marketing Kit here.

By signing up for eClaims, TELUS Health will send you a promotional card and eClaims sticker that you can showcase at your workplace.

How does my client’s billing and claims process actually work?

The submission of the claim should always be made after the service has been rendered. To learn more about the claims submission process through the portal, we invite you to watch a short training video.

TELUS Health also offers free customized training by phone to members of the Réseau. You must make a request.

What should I provide to my client when billing is done through eClaims service?

The massage therapist must provide a copy of the claim report (response from the insurer in eClaims) to the client. With a copy of this report in hand, the client can then submit the unpaid portion to another insurer or through their health account, if applicable. The claim report must detail the amount of total care, the amount paid by the insurer through eClaims and the amount paid by the client.

If I use the eClaims service, how will I be able to keep my accounts up to date and have access to my transaction history?

TELUS Health recommends that insurer response generated by the service be saved or printed. It is also possible to view the history of your claims on the eClaims portal by visiting the Previous Transactions page.

Can my administrative assistant submit claims on my behalf?

Yes, your assistant can create his own eClaims profile and submit claims from your clients on your behalf. If this is the case, he will get his own identifier and select your name as the massage therapist administering the service. To facilitate the registration process, TELUS Health recommends registering your assistant at the same time as you make your own registration.

For any other questions regarding the eClaims service, you can also visit the FAQ section of the TELUS Health website.