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All members of the Réseau des massothérapeutes professionnels du Québec must adopt exemplary behaviour towards their clients. All actions carried out within the framework of their practice are supervised under clear and thorough ethical rules. In order to properly understand what clients have the right to expect from their therapist, we have listed some fundamental principles from the Code of Ethics below.
Any person who wishes to submit a denunciation regarding a Réseau member’s professional practice can do so by completing the form provided for this purpose.
Any person who consults a therapist has the right to cease their treatment at any time, for any reason, without justification. The therapist acknowledges the client’s right to consult a different professional and cannot in any way restrict the client’s freedom of choice. The client may, at any time, refuse a treatment or manoeuvre with which they are uncomfortable. Even if the procedure is justified, the therapist recognizes the client’s right to decision and respects it at all times.
As a member, it is the therapist’s responsibility to offer an official receipt from the Réseau des massothérapeutes professionnels du Québec at the client’s request following a treatment. This receipt can be used to file an insurance claim with an insurance company.
A client can be granted free access to the file linked to the treatment received at all times. The therapist must comply if a client requests a copy of this file; however, a transcription or a copy can entail reasonable fees.
Any person who consults a therapist has the right to cease their treatment at any time, for any reason, without justification.
Therapists have a duty to protect the health and well-being of all individuals treated as part of the practice of massage therapy. Their responsibilities include: