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Training sessions

In an effort to present training that will contribute to the professional development of its members, the Réseau des massothérapeutes professionnels du Québec has developed Training sessions: continuing education days. With this project, the Réseau is offering its members an opportunity to improve their knowledge of the practice of massage therapy while increasing their number of training hours.

Edition 2023-2024

Since 2015, the Réseau has organized many Training sessions to support its members in acquiring new skills. In 2021, the Réseau has innovated and now offers two (2) programs each fall: one in-person and one virtual. This initiative enables us to reach more members and offer a greater variety of trainings.

Each year, we simultaneously offer two six-hour in-person training sessions in three cities across Quebec. The Réseau team travels around the province with its massage tables to offer hands-on training days.

For the virtual component, we offer two three-hour training sessions on the Zoom platform. These live training sessions are offered to groups of up to 60 participants, facilitating exchanges between members and the trainer.

Please note that trainings are non-refundable, non-exchangeable and not eligible for the Skills Development Fund. In particular, the cost of training must be paid at the time of registration to secure your place.

Rendez-vous formation du Réseau des massothérapeutes

In-person training 2023

**2024 training program to be announced in June**

The last 2023 trainings were in collaboration with the École de massothérapie et kinésithérapie l’Hêtre and Centre Amma. Two six-hour trainings were offered in Quebec City, Laval and Drummondville: a joint mobility training and an introduction to Thai table massage. Each training was offered on a priority basis to regular members of the Réseau des massothérapeutes professionnels du Québec at a cost of $120. This price included the training, lunch (individual lunch box), class notes, a pen, two coffee breaks and a morning snack.

Joint mobility by the École de massothérapie et kinésithérapie L’Hêtre

The aim of this training was to teach therapists the difference between joint mobility, which concerns the joint, and muscular flexibility, which concerns the muscle. This training was aimed at massage therapists (400 hours) who have learned little or nothing about mobilization in their training. On the other hand, kinesitherapists and orthotherapists could use the training to complement their own practice or to refresh their knowledge.

Introduction to Thai table massage by the Centre Amma

The goal of this training program was to enable therapists to learn standard Thai table massage maneuvers (dynamic resistance with movements of up to 450 pounds) to provide 30 minutes of Thai massage, or to add certain techniques to another type of massage.

Virtual trainings 2023-2024

**Virtual training may not be back in 2024. Information to come.**

Last year, the École de massage professionnel À fleur de peau offered two online trainings: one on self-massage and the other on muscle strengthening specifically for massage therapists. The trainings were presented on the Zoom platform. Between December 2023 and February 2024, each class offered four live presentations from 9am to 12pm. Each presentation was offered on a priority basis to regular members at a cost of $42. This price included the training and class notes.

Self-Massage for Massage Therapists

This training demonstrated the various self-massage techniques and tools (rollers, sticks, balls) specific to the practice of massage therapy. The goal was to enable massage therapists to acquire the skills to practice self-massage on themselves for preventive purposes.

Muscle strengthening specific for Massage Therapists

This training was dedicated to muscle strengthening for massage therapists. This complementary approach aimed to use exercises with or without equipment to target specific muscle and postural groups most requested in the practice of massage therapy.


For any information, or if you are not a member of the Réseau and would like to participate in these Training sessions, we invite you to contact Anne-Marie Plante-Bellemare at or at 1 800 461-1312 ext. 1438.


Photo album in-person training 2023

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