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The Network of professional massage therapists of Quebec brings together more than 8,500 massage therapists
The Réseau recognizes four disciplines identified below. These disciplines must be the basis of any care provided by a therapist member of the Réseau des massothérapeutes professionnels du Québec. To be part of the Réseau, the therapists need to complete at least a massage therapy training that meets the membership criteria. A high proportion of the members have also completed a specialization.
The following is the list of basic massage techniques that allow you to join the Réseau des massothérapeutes professionnels du Québec, as a massage therapist. To join the Réseau, therapists must have successfully completed at least one of these training techniques. Each of these techniques can also be recognized as continuing education.
Basic massage techniques
Many massage therapy techniques are also available as continuous education training. Acknowledged by the Réseau, those techniques enable massage therapists to improve their skills and to adapt their service offer to the specific needs of their clientele. Those techniques are eligible to the Skills development fund, which is a continuous education support program.
Massage techniques
Massage for baby/Massage for children
Herbal compress / Bamboo massage
Hot stone / Hot shell / Himalayan salt balls massage
Lomi lomi massage / Lomi-atsu massage
Reflexology / Thai reflexology
Integrated visceral therapy TM
Other biomechanical techniques
Naturotherapy training
Acido / Basic
Allergies and natural care
Bacteriology and virology
Essential oils study
Medicinal plants study
Nutritional rehabilitation (inflammatory aspects)
Organic detoxification
Organic dysfunction
Protein, carbohydrates and lipids study
Pharmaceuticals vs natural products
Vitamin therapy
To become a member, you can fill an online Membership form or download the PDF form and return it to the Reseau by mail or fax.
If your profile does not meet our membership criteria, you may be able to use the Professional Skills Assessment Program (PSAP) to gain professional recognition from the largest association of massage therapists in Quebec.
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