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Support member stands for any regular member from the Réseau, who during the renewal period, temporary stops practicing professionally for a year or more. This status applies to any therapist who stops practicing for a certain period of time, but desires to keep his acquired right in the Réseau as to his training.
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The support member:
However, the support member:
The admission fee to become a support member is 50$ without taxes. The support member can reapply to become a regular member again at any time by paying only the portion of his annual fees that correspond to the number of remaining months in the current year. Conditions apply.
You can only become a support member during the renewal period. Regular members wishing to change their status must renew as a support member and pay their $50 membership fee before the end of the renewal period.
If you have any questions, we invite you to contact the Membership Department at 1-800-461-1312 by dialing 2 or at