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The Réseau allows therapists to register with one of the 4 membership statuses: regular, parental, support, and student. You can become a regular member with the Réseau at any time of the year by paying the remaining share of the annual membership fee for the number of months left in the current year. Are you currently a student? Note that you can become a student member at no cost and take advantage of numerous benefits.
If ever you need to take a leave of absence during your practice, the Réseau offers the possibility of temporarily becoming a support member or parental member to retain acquired rights like your membership number during your break.
The Réseau also developed a Professional Skills Assessment Program to allow therapists with different training backgrounds to join the Réseau’s membership network.
Visit the webpages of each membership status to learn more about criteria and conditions of eligibility. Thereafter you will be able to join the largest association in Quebec.
Each discipline recognized by the Réseau has specific requirements. The type of knowledge and the number of hours required are specific to each.
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The Professional Skills Assessment Program is intended for therapists who are not currently members of the Réseau and would like to become one.
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