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Massage therapy incorporates various techniques and approaches that make it a versatile and comprehensive discipline. There are many massaging techniques, ranging from biomechanical, energetic, to thermal . Depending on the needs and interests of their clientele, a massage therapist may choose to train in one or more techniques during the course of their practice. Massage therapy offers therapists the opportunity to set their own professional career paths and to choose their specialty; from relaxation to therapeutic.
Discover the list of techniques recognized by the Réseau des massothérapeutres professionels du Québec. You may consult the individual information pages of each technique to learn more.
Massage therapy is a discipline that targets muscles; therefore, it has many benefits on the body. In fact, in addition to relieving muscle tension, massage therapy can also help reduce the effects of stress on the body. The therapist will ground their treatment in relaxation or therapeutics, based on the specific needs and expectations of the client. In both cases, one can experience a multitude of benefits. The Réseau decided to present the main benefits of massage therapy, as well as inform you on the various conditions commonly observed in clients seeking massage therapy. Take the time to discover all that massage therapy has to offer.