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The Réseau des massothérapeutes professionnels du Québec performs a constant representative work alongside many authorities that could have an influence on the massage therapy’s future. The strong representativeness of the Association allows its members to have a powerful voice to uphold related issues. Some efforts were undertake jointly with different decision-making centers in order to influence the practice of massage therapy.
The status of massage therapy management is not ideal in Quebec and Mon Réseau Plus stands firm that it has to be improved. The Réseau also agrees that it would be beneficial for everyone to put efforts directly in the amelioration of the structure and conditions of massage therapy, instead of expecting the creation of a professional order, the integration in an existing order or the enactment of enabling legislation.
May 2018
The Réseau participated as a speaker at the Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association (CLHIA) convention. During this major event, we presented the measures put in place to prevent fraud and to better supervise the massage therapy industry in Quebec. We also announced our potential innovative solutions for achieving this task.
June 2016
Meeting with the Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association (CLHIA) to discuss about massage therapy’s management in Quebec and of what effect insurance companies have on that development. Mon Réseau plus took advantage of this enriching meeting to present a brief of the memoir that was produced by the Réseau and submitted last fall to the Office des professions of Quebec.
October 2015
Deposit of a second memoir at the Office des professions of Quebec entitled “Massage therapy needs a helping hand to progress in Quebec”. This memoir has for objective to demonstrate that even if massage therapy does not meet the required criteria to create a professional order, the industry will require the help of external support in order to enhance its structure.
January 2015
Publication of MOST protocol, a massage therapy protocol scientifically approved with the help of Dr. Angelo Fallu, jointly with Massothérapie Québec and the Centre de recherche appliquée sur le toucher thérapeutique (C.R.A.T.T.). The MOST protocol is the result of five years of C.R.A.T.T researches that lead to an in-depth clinical observation study on 2 825 massage therapy sessions.
March 2014
Release of a scientific literature review entitled “The medical benefits of massage therapy” by Dr Pierre-Arsenault. This review has been realised to reinforce the substantial “anecdotal” evidence and the positive testimonials of patients towards massage therapy. This work was carried out based on important existing evidence among the clinical field, attesting the beneficial effects of massage therapy.
June 2014
In an attempt to standardize the training provided to massage therapists, and thereby the care provided to the public, the Réseau has been involved in the establishment of the Coordination committee of massage therapy schools of Quebec, which main objective is to allow massage therapy academic institutions to develop and set up a common training program.
January 2014
The Réseau joins the committee formed by the city of Montreal to tackle the problem of erotic massage parlors. Mon Réseau Plus acts as massage therapy specialist to help find ways to further dissociate massage therapy centers from establishments where erotic type of activities occurs.
September 2013
Release of a memoir on the management of massage therapy entitled “Massage therapists take charge of their future”. This memoir demonstrates that the massage therapy situation in Quebec, as analysed under the Code of Professions statements, shows no justification on the necessity to be managed by a professional order.
March 2013
Establishment of an Advisory council of the professional associations of massage therapists, which gathers several massage therapists associations, in order to concretively react to the legitimate pressures increasingly made in favor of the improvement of the massage therapy management in Quebec.
November 2010
The Réseau establishes the organization Massage Therapy Quebec, the first massage therapy certification office in Canada. This organization is open to massage therapists of all professional associations and aims at acknowledging and promoting the best-suited therapists that effectively take part in relieving musculoarticular states of stress and tensions.
June 2010
The Réseau integrates the sectoral committee of personal care of Quebec. The organization’s mission is to push forward the personal care sector, including massage therapy. Its task is to improve the employment situation, to support the development of the workforce and to promote the profession.
October 2009
The Réseau joins the Symposium francophone de médecine in order to promote massage therapy and its benefits to doctors. This merge with the medical field allows a better understanding of the needs and expectations of doctors towards massage therapists and strengthen the links between both professions.
November 2008
Three important massage therapy associations merge in an effort to standardize massage therapy in Quebec. This collaboration which aimed at standardizing the practice of massage therapy and providing a high quality structure was a major first step towards a the renewal of the massage therapy field in Quebec.