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Continuing education platform

Since the Reseau value its members’ continuing education, the association now offers the possibility of accumulating continuing education hours by watching webinars and training content on its continuing education platform. This online training content is an efficient and flexible way to inform therapists about topics and issues surrounding their practice. The goal is primarily to support them by allowing them to acquire the tools needed to implement professional best practices.

Recently added trainings

Cybersécurité - webinaire formation Réseau des massothérapeutes Uxpertise


This training content aims to raise therapists’ awareness of the importance of protecting their personal data and that of their clients. You’ll learn about the tools and best practices you can put in place in terms of cybersecurity. With the implementation of Bill 25 in Quebec, it’s more important than ever to implement best practices. In French only

Price : $25

Impôts, taxes et tenue de livres - webinaire formation Réseau des massothérapeutes UxpertiseTaxes and bookkeeping

This training content focuses on accounting for massage therapists operating as self-employed workers. The fundamentals addressed will allow you to benefit from deductions available to your business, while ensuring your file remains in order. In French only

Price : free

Violences à caractère sexuel : Mieux comprendre - webinaire formation Réseau des massothérapeutes UxpertiseSexual violence: A better understanding

The issues and myths surrounding this problematic reality are presented in order to raise awareness among therapists who have experienced sexual assault or who work with clients who have.

Price : free

Not a Réseau member?

If you are not a Réseau member, but would like to attend the live presentation, please contact us directly at