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Hip pain

Hip anatomy

The hip is the lower limb articulation that connects the femur to the pelvis. Named coxo-femoral, it is the center of a large muscular mass and numerous ligamentous structures that gives it the stability and power to walk and stand still. The hip also has an important role in the many rotation and flexion movements of the body. It supports about 2/3 of the body weight.

The hip is vulnerable to cartilage lesions. Certain pathologies affecting it may require surgery. Coxalgia¹ stands for pain located in the hip.

Causes of hip injuries

  • Imbalance in feet or knees can result in a misalignment of the muscle chain and thus cause hip pain.
  • Significant lower limbs and pelvis muscle tensions can cause pelvic angle changes, resulting as hip discomfort.
  • Similarly, excess weight can cause abnormal joint tension and abnormally tilt the pelvis. In the long term, this deviation can lead to joint denegation (arthrosis).
  • Arthritis or osteoporosis can cause joint degeneration, creating pain episodes.
  • Some diseases such as arthritis² and fibrositis³ cause transient inflammatory seizures, recognizable by hip pain, local heat and redness.
  • A trauma, a fall or an accident can produce functional joint disorders such as lameness, pain, mobility loss, etc.
  • Lumbar or sacroiliac muscle tensions can lead to hip pain.

Therapeutic approach

The therapist is a muscle and joints specialist. His solid training allows him to efficiently act on several hip affections. Following the interview, the therapist will use, in appropriate cases, a massage to warm up tissues, reduce contractures and increase blood flow; essential oils and rubefiants (products with a muscular effect) as well as kinesitherapy techniques to restore the hip’s full amplitude and mobility.

To complete the session, the therapist will also recommend rehabilitation exercices.


Home advice

  • In acute phase, apply ice for 15 to 20 minutes every hour for the first 48 hours.
  • To relax the muscles, apply a hot slated water compress for 20 minutes, 2 to 3 times a day.
  • Every morning and eveninig, rub the affectment segment with a rubefiant (product with a muscular effect).
  • Avoid any sports.
  • Avoid standing still for long periods of time.
  • Restrict your movements.

The term therapist is used to signify a massage therapist, a kinesitherapist or an orthotherapist.

1.It is important to take note that your therapist cannot perform pathology diagnostics since only doctors have the competence to make a medical diagnosis. However, your therapist may act effectively to relieve your hip pain.

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