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The Network of professional massage therapists of Quebec brings together more than 8,500 massage therapists
Muscle or tissue congestion is caused by a large blood or lymphatic flow at a specific point between the skin and the muscles, therefore causing a blockage. This obstruction is then tightening blood vessels, blocking lymphatic vessels and irritating muscle fibers. This is why the sensation of a muscular congestion is similar to that of muscle stiffness, contractures or muscular cramps.
Especially in high-performance bodybuilders, muscle congestion is sometimes deliberately induced to increase blood flow and nutrients supplies to the muscles. In massage therapy, muscle and tissue decongestion is the use of decongestion techniques to eliminate these blockages and promote natural circulation of body fluids.
Muscle and tissue decongestion care allow the normal return of blood and lymphatic flow into the body. This process allows for better nerve transmission and relieves tension. Muscle decongestion is also used in the treatment of cellulite.
This care can be short-term and target a specific area of the body (legs, back or glutes only) or be integrated with a longer massage therapy care, such as lymphatic drainage. According to their properties, essential oils can also be combined with this care.
The same precautions apply for muscle and tissue decongestion care as for a standard massage therapy care. Special attention should be paid to the presence of inflammation in the body to avoid further damage to the lymphatic vessels.
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