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Oligotherapy is the therapeutic use of trace elements, a class of nutrients that are essential for the body to maintain a normal state of health. With their minuscule mass, trace elements are present in very small quantities in the body. A healthy and balanced diet is usually sufficient to meet the body’s micronutrient needs, but oligotherapy can be used to fill a deficiency.

Trace elements most at risk of deficiencies:

  • Calcium;
  • Chromium;
  • Iodine;
  • Iron;
  • Magnesium;
  • Selenium;
  • Zinc.


The need for oligotherapy is only in the presence of deficiency and simple additional supplementation is usually enough to eliminate associated symptoms. The two main causes of deficiencies are:

  • Insufficient nourishment;
  • Increase in the needs of the body.
Oligothérapie - Réseau des massothérapeutes

For example, an increase in physical activity or prolonged stress can create a magnesium deficiency, pregnancy can lead to iron deficiency, and a calcium deficiency in the diet can promote osteoporosis.


Oligotherapy is usually mixed with another form of therapy. With a transition from nutrition to supplementation, oligotherapy plays a role in algotherapy and thalassotherapy and can easily be part of a balneotherapy care.


When it comes to the resources of the body, it is important to act with caution since each trace element affects several mechanisms of the body. When trace elements are in excess quantity, several of them are eliminated safely, but some may be harmful at high doses.

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