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Momentum massage is similar to Swedish massage in its technique, but works more on the sensory perceptions of the body. Compared to other techniques, there are no pre-established momentum sequences. The therapist adapts their treatment by considering the needs, openness and resistance of the client by trusting their intuition. Momentum massage is mainly for people who are looking for deep relaxation, but also for greater sensory perception. This massage enhances the sensation and perception of the body, but also intuition and listening.
Momentum massage is mainly aimed at deep relaxation. It allows you to relax in order to become aware of your body and your needs. It helps to develop the ability to listen to your body and to perceive physical sensations more clearly. Its purpose is to bring the receiver into a state of total serenity.
The therapist approaches the massage with broad and enveloping movements, strokes, stretches, motions and occasional pauses. The massage is given with oil and on a table, like many other techniques such as Swedish, Californian, etc. The therapist, based on their knowledge, will be guided by their intuition in order to adapt the treatment to the recipient’s needs.
The contraindications for momentum massage are the same as for most techniques: fever, infection, wounds or skin problems and a history of heart problems.
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