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Training meetings 2022-2023

Activity starts:
October 2022 to February 2023

2022-2023 Hybrid Edition

In order to allow its members to improve their knowledge of the practice of massage therapy and to increase the number of hours of training they receive, the Réseau has decided to offer, for a second consecutive year, a hybrid formula for its Rendez-vous formations. From October to December 2022, in collaboration with Kiné-Concept-Guijek and the Centre Amma, 2 training sessions will be offered in 3 different cities (complete). From November 2022 to February 2023, in collaboration with the École de massage À Fleur de peau, 1 training will be offered on 6 occasions on the Zoom videoconference platform.

Training meetings are held in French only. We therefore invite you to visit the French page to get all the information on the training sessions offered this year.